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4.0 ( 3600 ratings )
الأدوات المساعدة
المطور: MSL Technology Co.,LTD.

App Overview

The MSL App, developed by MSL Technology Co., Ltd., enables users to connect to and control lighting equipment (lanterns) via Bluetooth. This app provides an interface for users to monitor, test, and adjust various settings on MSL Technology’s lantern devices. It is designed for field technicians and personnel responsible for the operation and maintenance of remote lighting systems.

Features & Functionalities

1. Bluetooth-Based Lantern Device Search

* Purpose: The app scans for nearby lantern devices manufactured by MSL Technology using Bluetooth.
* Permissions Used: Bluetooth access for device discovery.

2. Naming Lantern Devices

* Purpose: Allows users to assign names to connected lantern devices for easier identification.
* Permissions Used: Bluetooth for communication with devices.

3. Lantern Device Status Display & Configuration Adjustment

* Purpose: Displays real-time lantern status, including:
Lantern ID, lighting pattern, input/output voltage/current, battery status, light/idle state.
* Configuration Options: Users can update lantern settings, such as ID, lighting pattern, and Bluetooth latency.
* Permissions Used: Bluetooth for continuous device monitoring and configuration.

4. Device Testing Features

* Purpose: Provides testing capabilities for the lantern device, including the ability to turn lights on and off or set them to a floating light mode.
* Permissions Used: Bluetooth to send control commands to devices.

5. Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) Monitoring & Configuration
* Purpose: Shows and allows editing of RTU settings, including:
RTU version, ID, transmission interval, reset interval, server address, time zone, transmission protocol.
* Permissions Used: Bluetooth for continuous device monitoring and configuration.

6. Modem Status Display & Configuration Adjustment
* Purpose: Displays modem status, such as:
Modem power, phone number, low-power mode, signal strength, USIM state, socket status.
* Configuration Options: Allows users to adjust modem power settings and enable low-power mode.
* Permissions Used: Bluetooth for modem configuration and monitoring.

7. Additional Features
* GPS Operation Time Setting: Configures GPS operating hours.
* Lighting Pattern Configuration Mode Change: Adjusts lighting pattern configuration mode.
* Connection Password Update: Enables changing the device’s connection password for device security.

Bluetooth Permission Usage

This app requires Bluetooth access to discover, connect to, and communicate with MSL Technology’s lantern devices. The Bluetooth permission is necessary for device scanning, configuration, real-time monitoring, and testing.